The Way of the Ear Candle Flame!

So here we are, a candling session that does more than assist with congestion or the feeling of ‘fullness’ in the ear and or face. Candling is also a spiritual connection to the universe. Many people book a session to increase clarity and their sense of wellbeing. History has provided an ever-changing landscape for how we humans use and connect with a fire and its flames. During a candling session, as the flame burns the tapered end of the candle has a rising flame that connects with the universe clearing or bringing forward what has been released or what is to come.

Fire, one of the "four elements” used by human-kind over the millennia, bridges the connection between mortals and gods. Rituals of all kinds are based around a flame, lighting a candle for life and death events, harvesting and sowing in crops, fire representing the cycle of life.

Fire can also be a force of purification (Cooper, 1978).  In a more modern context, bushfires, while looked upon as destructive, from a scientific and ecological point of view quite positive as a mode of rejuvenation - old growth that is burned away makes way for new growth to begin, and the entire ecosystem begins again. Many trees and shrubs rely on fire to help birth the next generation.

Similarly, fire is viewed by Christians, the Chinese, and the Hebrews as being a symbol of divinity (Cooper, 1978).  In Christianity, fire can also be symbolic of religious zeal and martyrdom. In Egypt it represents a sense of superiority and control. In Ancient Greece the fire that burned in the temple allowed the Oracle at Delphi to predict what was to come. Many cultures view fire as a symbol of wisdom and knowledge which isn’t any different in modern society.

So as you light a candle and witness the flame burn bright, know that at that point in time your soul is releasing something you don’t need anymore.

With Blessing,

Anna x

Source: Cooper, J.C. An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Traditional Symbols. London: Thames and Hudson, 1978


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