A Love & Hate Relationship with MUCUS!

What is mucus and where is it found?

Mucus by definition is a normal, slippery and stringy fluid substance produced by many lining tissues in the human body, YOUR body (nose, lung, throat, sinuses and digestive tract). It is essential for bodily functions and acts as a protective and moisturising layer to keep critical organs from drying out.


Mucus also acts as a trap for irritants like dust, smoke, or bacteria. It contains antibodies and bacteria-killing enzymes to help fight off infections.The body produces a lot of mucus - about 1 to 1.5 liters per day. We don't tend to notice mucus at all unless its production is increased or the quality of mucus has changed, as may happen with different illnesses and conditions (Medicine.net, 2019).

What do I need to avoid on an anti-mucus diet?

Many people suffer with producing too much or excessive amounts of mucus. However, there are certain foods that may worsen mucus production and its thickness in the body. Foods that you are allergic or intolerant to typical cause your body to produce more mucus than normal to protect those areas.

Common food allergies include:
- Eggs
- Fish & Shellfish
- Dairy
- Nuts
- Gluten
- Soy
If mucus production or other symptoms persist then always consult your doctor for advice as allergies can be series.

Then there are foods that may cause an increase histamine response in your body which makes you produce more mucus. For example, bananas, strawberries, pineapple, papaya, eggs and chocolate but there are more. However, keep in mind everyone's body reacts differently and you must consult with your doctor when trying to determine reasons behind mucus production.

So then what can I eat?


Image source: Further reading at ​https://livelovefruit.com/foods-that-cause-excessive-mucus/

There are many things that you can eat to help reduce mucus production and here are a few tips with research:

  • Fruits and Vegetables are top sources of antioxidants — nutrients that promote your body's ability to fight off infections and disease. In addition to supplying nutrients, garlic, watercress, celery, pickles, onions, lemons and parsley reduce mucus production, according to the Lung Institute.

  • Olive oil is a valuable source of unsaturated, heart-healthy fat. According to a report published in "Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Allergy Agents in Medicinal Chemistry" in June 2010, the substance oleocanthal in olive oil produces effects similar to the anti-inflammatory drug ibuprofen. Try swapping saturated the butter and margarine, out for olive oil instead.

  • Eating and drinking warm fluids as it promotes hydration, sipping fluids throughout the day might help your body flush toxins out through urine, allowing you to heal faster. Chicken soup, clear broths and tea can also be mucus reducing foods. Choose noncaffeinated fluids over coffee and soft drinks, which are less hydrating and might disrupt your ability to rest. Avoid thick, creamy soups and beverages, which might thicken mucus.

  • Eating fatty fish, such as salmon, tuna, herring, lake trout, sardines and flounder, are rich in omega-3 fatty acids — healthy fats that might help reduce inflammation. Omega-3 fats also boost immunity. For optimum benefits, replace protein sources that might worsen inflammation and mucus production, such as red meat, whole milk and high-fat cheese, with baked, grilled or broiled fatty fish.

  • In addition to eating foods that reduce mucus production, avoiding foods that cause phlegm is also helpful. Dairy products including milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream and butter top the list. Many "junk foods" such as candy, soda and sweet desserts should also be avoided. Simple carbohydrates such as bread, pasta and cereal are also foods that cause phlegm.

​Hopefully, this helps a few of you to one understand why your body produces mucus, what can trigger mucus production and how to manage producing more. There are always choices to consider but as always please consult a health professional before you take those steps.

Anna xo


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